Alice Gräbe Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alice Gräbe)


Bishop Whalen’s Brothers: He ‘Always Had the Vocation’ | Catholic New...
After the Mass of Ordination of Bishops Dec. 10 at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, CNY caught up with Auxiliary Bishop Edmund Whalen’s two older brothers,...

Nine are Ordained in Joyful Rite at Cathedral | Catholic New York
Archbishop Dolan ordained nine men to the priesthood at St. Patrick’s Cathedral May 14 and told them that they must be the image of Christ for the people they...

Karneval: Von Obelix bis Lackschuh-Dieter |
200 Besucher feiern ausgelassen Karneval beim Osdorfer Sportverein. Die Vielfalt der Kostüme wird gelobt und reicht vom Huhn über Obelix bis hin zum Spiderman....
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