Alina Laura Just Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alina Laura Just)


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Category 4 Laura strengthens and may bring 'unsurvivable' storm...
Hurricane Laura continued to strengthen late Wednesday as it approached the Louisiana coastline, reaching a wind speed just shy of that of a Category 5 storm.

Aerial photos show Lake Charles area in aftermath of Hurricane Laura
As Hurricane Laura moves away from Louisiana, residents in the Lake Charles area are...

Christopher Kapessa: A mum’s fight for justice for her son - BBC News
For now, Alina just has to wait. I think back to Christopher's remembrance event and there's one thing that his friend Coby says that really sticks ...

Guardian: The Gathering Dark (Shadow and Bone) by Leigh Bardugo - review |...

The Book Addicted Girl: 'It was just amazing; so rich and real and vivid and jump-off-of-the-page and unique.'
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