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Aloe vera: Die Erfolgsgeschichte einer SukkulenteMDR
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What Are Aloe Vera's Benefits for Skin and Hair? - › Skin › aloe
· Aloe vera is a species of the aloe plant that grows around the world — perhaps even in a pot a few feet away from you as you're reading this, as ...

Aloe vera: 9 health benefits - Medical News › articles
Aloe vera benefits can include reducing dental plaque, accelerating wound healing, preventing wrinkles, and managing blood sugar. Aloe vera, or Aloe barbadensis ...Bioactive compounds · Dental plaque · Canker sores · Constipation Aloe vera benefits can include reducing dental plaque, accelerating wound healing, preventing wrinkles, and managing blood sugar. Aloe vera, or Aloe barbadensis ... Bioactive compounds · Dental plaque · Canker sores · Constipation

What is Aloe Vera? - News › health › What-is-Aloe-Vera
· Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis miller) is a succulent plant used in alternative medicine. With a total of 420 various plant species of Aloe ...
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Person "Vera" (4)
Vorname "Aloe" (51)
Name "Vera" (1963)
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