Alon Ben Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alon Ben)


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A strategic alliance central to regional stability
[Hurriyet Daily News] - Alon Ben-Meir is a professor of international relations at the Center for Global Affairs at NYU. He teaches courses on international negotiation and Middle How the Mossad Career of Ben Zygier Ended in Treason - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Mossad agent Ben Zygier was found hanged in his cell and his case made headlines around the world. New information shows that Zygier, once a passionate...

Etat islamique: mythes et réalité
INTERNATIONAL - Pour triompher de l'extrémisme islamique, nous devons conditionner l'aide que nous apporterons aux Etats arabes touchés par ce fléau à...

Alon Ben David | +972 Magazine
More Voices. Alon Ben David. The Seventh Eye · Reporting in the line of duty. Channel 10's veteran military analyst rides along with a unit that goes undercover ...
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Person "Ben" (1)
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