Always Infinity Off Person-Info 

( Ich bin Always Infinity Off)


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Digitaler Arbeitsschutz - Zwischen always on und always off
Zwischen always on und always off. Digitaler Arbeitsschutz. Smartphone-Gedaddel in Meetings, WhatsApp-Nachrichten am Schreibtisch, und die Mails des Chefs werden abends vom Wohnzimmersofa aus gecheckt: Der Druck der permanenten Erreichbarkeit ist enorm, wir sind always on. Dass das stresst, ist allen klar. - Lee Martin joins Team Infinity Off Road - News ...
Lee Martin joins Team Infinity Off Road. Dopo solo un giorno dall'annuncio della fine collaborazione tra Lee Martin e Mugen (news), arriva oggi la notizia ufficiale del passaggio del pilota britannico alla squadra Infinity. Lee Martin darà il suo prezioso contributo alla giapponese Infinity, che fino ad oggi è ...

OIS on or off? - Leica Q - l-camera …
It says in the manual that OIS might degrade image quality. So for the pixelpeepers = OIS ALWAYS OFF for the rest of us: OIS ON if necessary or if you don´t bother.
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