Amanda Zemko Person-Info 

( Ich bin Amanda Zemko)


Eleanor & Park - Music Showing 1-6 of 6
Amanda Zemko I have an obsession with knowing all the songs that are mentioned in a book (and then listening to them). Alas, I listened to this audio book and ... Es fehlt: demand

Fifty Shades Freed - The pregnancy. Showing of 32
32 discussion posts. Amanda said: Her pregnancy, I think, was necessary to close the story of Christian and Ana. With the birth of their child, Christian...

Gone Girl - Ending Showing of 100
100 discussion posts. Amanda said: Through the whole story there is a theme of hidden personalities. There's the personality we put out there for the wor...

Dark Places - Movie? Showing of 25
25 discussion posts. Amanda said: I just read that Charlize Theron is going to play Libby Day in the movie. I love her work, but isn't Libby supposed to ...
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Vorname "Amanda" (9835)
Name "Zemko" (24)
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