Amanullah Hotak Person-Info 

( Ich bin Amanullah Hotak)


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Afghanistan ǀ Fürchterlich entstellt — der Freitag
Je mehr die US-Armee und die NATO ihre Kriegführung intensivieren, desto größer ist die Zahl ziviler Opfer. Die neue Strategie von General McChrystal versagt...

Bomb kills 2 guards protecting Afghan official - Yahoo News Singapore
Amanullah Hotak, the head of the provincial council in Uruzgan province, says the remote-controlled bomb attached to a bicycle was detonated ...

Bomb kills 2 guards protecting Afghan official | Asia – Gulf News
A remote-controlled bomb attached to a bicycle exploded in Kabul on Friday

Dozens Of Soldiers In Uruzgan Under Taliban Siege For Months |...
Dozens of the Afghan National Army personnel  have been under siege by the Taliban in parts of Uruzgan province for months and all routes to them are closed, a...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Amanullah Hotak
Vorname "Amanullah" (30)
Name "Hotak" (19)
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