Amber Abbasi und Sperm Person-Info 

( Ich bin Amber Abbasi)
(1 - 9 von 10

Woman sues FDA for right to select sperm donor, bypass sperm bank |...
· ... they want to have a child together, then the FDA regulations should not apply," Amber Abbasi , attorney in the case, told

Woman Anonymously Sues FDA for Right to Free Sperm - ABC News
"This means the FDA can reach into your bedroom and tell you how to procreate," said her lawyer, Amber Abbasi, chief counsel for regulatory ...

Woman Sues FDA Over Sperm Donation Rules | Libertarian | Before It's...
... and personal as whether they want to have a child together, then the FDA regulations should not apply,” Amber Abbasi , attorney in the case, ...

Woman sues government over right to select her own sperm donor |...
The FDA insists woman can only get sperm from sperm banks, where they carry out tests for diseases. But the woman, from California, says the government is...
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