American Democracy und President Person-Info 

( Ich bin American Democracy)
(1 - 38 von 45
) Trump 100 Days: The Erosion of American Democracy - DER SPIEGEL

With his attacks on judges, journalists and critics, U.S. President Donald Trump is chipping away at the foundations of democracy. Is the American Constitution...

Donald Trump's feud with Congress puts American democracy on the...
The constitutional showdown between President Donald Trump and House Democrats is taking a grave new twist that threatens to embroil the ...

Why Trump is good for American democracy - News | Khaleej Times
The need to contain the president has aroused a popular mobilisation that could outlive him

A year after Trump was elected, how is American democracy holding up?
It seems appropriate to consider just how well the republic has handled President Donald Trump. My tentative conclusion is that, so far, the system is working.