American River Person-Info 

( Ich bin American River)


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American River - Chronology and Facts - El Dorado › Living › Stories › pages › ame...
1864 – — American River is rechannelized to create faster flows by straightening the final two miles of the river — The first Flood Control Plan is written ...

Fish evacuated from American River hatcheries due to drought | The...
The drought is forcing state officials to evacuate rainbow trout and steelhead fish from two hatcheries on the American River amid concern the water will...

‘Vampire Fish’ spotted twice in California’s American River
· The divers spotted an animal known as the vampire fish (a pacific lamprey) in the American River, a waterway that runs for 30 miles near ...

'Vampire Fish' spotted twice in California's American River › great-outdoors › vampire-fish-...
· 'Vampire Fish' spotted twice in California's American River, suggesting its return to the area. A 24-inch lamprey is seen in video posted online ...
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