Amir Pakdel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Amir Pakdel)


Hundreds of Alberta doctors, 3 major health-care unions join calls...
The suspension of group indoor activities, including indoor dining, bars, casinos, religious services and ... MD, FCFP (Family Physician); Rahim Samji, MD (Interventional Radiology); Amir Pakdel, MD, PhD (Radiology); Teresa ...

Minister Breen Announces Research Investment of €10.8 million in Next...
... that can convert body heat into electricity, allowing for continuous portable charging (Dr Amir Pakdel, TCD) Use of new optical technologies to help sustain the growth of the internet, contributing to delivery of services ...

Das Leben in der Stadt mitgestalten - Kölnische Rundschau
— Auch Amir Pakdel war gekommen. Im Jahr war der Iraner als Offizier durch das Bundessprachenamt nach Hürth gekommen und blieb. › das-leben-in-der-stadt-...
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