Amos Gershony Person-Info 

( Ich bin Amos Gershony)


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Biogal Announces the Canadian CFIA Approval of the Canine VacciCheck
The Canine VacciCheck kit is intended to be used as a diagnostic tool to evaluate the antibody response to the core vaccination or infection by Infectious…

Biogal Announces the Canadian CFIA Approval of the Canine VacciCheck
KIBBUTZ GALED, Israel, April 8, PRNewswire/ -- Biogal announced that the Canine Vaccicheck, an in house titer test kit for Parvo Distemper and...

Biogal Announces the Canadian CFIA Approval of the Canine VacciCheck
"We at Biogal sincerely hope that this tool will assist in reducing over vaccination in Canada," said Amos Gershony, Biogal's General Manager.

Biogal-Galed Labs Launches CombCam, an Automated Reading Device for...
... of VacciCheck and ImmunoComb easier, less cumbersome, faster, digitalized and more accurate, says Amos Gershony, Biogal's CEO.
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