Amr Diab und Album Person-Info 

( Ich bin Amr Diab)
(1 - 33 von 51

Album review: Amr Diab shows why he remains on top with solid new...
The Egyptian pop stalwart is in fine form with another effervescent release.

Amr Diab continues music projects in Greece despite naked women...
Superstar Amr Diab has been busy filming his music videos in Greece this month; not bothered by the leaking of his album or you know, the naked-women-at

Amr Diab Tops Twitter Trends after New Album 'Sahran › amr-diab-tops-twitter-tr...
Egyptian superstar Amr Diab topped Twitter trends list, only a few hours after releasing his new album 'Sahran'.The new album consists of 12.