Anatoly Vasilenko Person-Info 

( Ich bin Anatoly Vasilenko)


(1 - 4 von 9

Olympic Chess Composing Tourney
— ... Anatoly Vasilenko (Ukraine). B. Threemovers Judge: Miodrag Mladenovic (Serbia). C. Moremovers Judge: Yakov Vladimirov (Russia). D. Endgame — ... Anatoly Vasilenko (Ukraine). B. Threemovers Judge: Miodrag Mladenovic (Serbia). C. Moremovers Judge: Yakov Vladimirov (Russia). D. Endgame ...

Raid and detention of Jehovah's Witnesses in
— The search warrants were issued by the judge of the Leninsky District Court of Sevastopol, Anatoly Vasilenko. They were attended by FSB — The search warrants were issued by the judge of the Leninsky District Court of Sevastopol, Anatoly Vasilenko. They were attended by FSB ...

Redada y detención de testigos de Jehová en
— Las órdenes de registro fueron emitidas por el juez del Tribunal de Distrito Leninsky de Sebastopol, Anatoly Vasilenko. Asistieron oficiales — Las órdenes de registro fueron emitidas por el juez del Tribunal de Distrito Leninsky de Sebastopol, Anatoly Vasilenko. Asistieron oficiales ...

In July, the occupiers opened 125 criminal cases against › news
So, from them 4 - in "Leninsky district court of Sevastopol" ("judge" Anatoly Vasilenko), 3 - in "Central district court of Simferopol" ("judges" ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Anatoly Vasilenko
Vorname "Anatoly" (278)
Name "Vasilenko" (58)
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