Andre Myers und Music Person-Info 

( Ich bin Andre Myers)
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Guardian: Leave It On the Floor – review | Musicals | The Guardian

A romantic musical set in LA's gay ballroom scene proves lively and affecting, writes Philip French

Music Department Sings a New Note - The Occidental
The trio will do a master class with students and perform new works by on-campus composers and professors Andre Myers, Jennifer Logan and Louchouarn. Occidental has hosted world-famous opera singer Fredrica Von Stade, considered one of the most beloved musical figures of our time.

Tanzfilm: "Leave It On The Floor" - RP ONLINE
Ephraim Sykes, Andre Myers, Barbie-O. WIE IST DER FILM? Wesentlich besser als die superteuren Hochglanz-Musicals, die in den letzten Jahren aus Hollywood gekommen sind.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Andre Myers
Chris Urban
Vorname "Andre" (31075)
Name "Myers" (1343)