Andrea Bonomi Person-Info 

( Ich bin Andrea Bonomi)


(1 - 4 von 11

Italian dealmaker arm-wrestles French establishment for control of...
Andrea Bonomi had 72 hours to put together a billion dollars. It was Friday, May 23, and the 49-year-old heir to one of Italy’s old industrial families...

The Italian who wants Aston Martin to overtake Ferrari - The › article
· It should be the simplest of questions to answer yet Andrea Bonomi is stumped. The Italian private equity tycoon draws his hands over his ...

Aston Martin investor blazes green trail for buyout fund | Reuters
The top shareholder of carmaker Aston Martin is on a mission to turn investments from theme parks to high-end furniture brands

Wanted gaming magnate Francesco Corallo sues Italian industrialist...
· Andrea Bonomi, a leading Italian industrialist and former world power boat champion, could be dragged into the High Court in London to ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Andrea Bonomi
Vorname "Andrea" (81002)
Name "Bonomi" (67)
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