Andrea Cale Person-Info 

( Ich bin Andrea Cale)


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Andrea Cale, The Corn Husk ExperimentPorter Square Books
— Andrea Cale is a writer and a New York State Associated Press award recipient for spot news reporting. Before working on her first novel, The ...

Andrea CaleNorthshire Bookstore
— First novelist Andrea Cale is also a New York State Associated Press award recipient and holds a Master's Degree from Boston University's ...

Author, MAU alum to read from 'The Corn Husk Experiment'Bennington Banner
— Several years ago, Andrea Cale was attending a New England Patriots game with her husband when an idea for a book struck her.

Bringing Positivity to HR LeadershipSociety for Human Resource Management
By Andrea Cale July 5, of Leading High-Trust Teams (Wise Guys Publishing LLC, 2013) by Richard Fagerlin. Andrea Cale is manager of the SHRMStore.
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Vorname "Andrea" (81002)
Name "Cale" (57)
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