Andrea Eros House Person-Info 

( Ich bin Andrea Eros House)


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Guardian: Obituary: Rodney Gordon | Art and design | The Guardian

Obituary: Brutalist architect whose futuristic buildings have not all stood the test of time

Make yourself at home in Catford - Telegraph - London
It is called Eros House. To be sure, it is a grim example of brutalist 1960s architecture, and on its ground floor there is a gun shop, but tucked ...

Concrete buildings: Brutalist beauty | The Independent
Eros House in Catford, south-east London, is named after the Greek god of love. This middle-aged rogue is easy to fall for, despite the misguided love...

King's Chow Mein Chinese Restaurant - Catford
Chinese Takeaway. Contact King's Chow Mein Chinese Restaurant Catford 8 Eros House, Brownhill Road SE6 2EG King's Chow Mein Chinese Restaurant...
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