Andrea Vaughan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Andrea Vaughan)


(1 - 4 von 9

Sisters hatched £161m VAT scam 'to fund luxury lifestyle', court...
Andrea Vaughan-Owen and her sister Roberta are accused of defrauding the 'easy-to-cheat' tax credits system attempted a £161m VAT fraud as they 'moved up a...

Sisters 'profit from inept benefits civil servants'
Two sisters were able to afford a Mercedes, spa trips and private school fees after civil servants failed to ask questions about their benefit claims, a court...

Andrea Vaughan Owen | Wales | Business News | Insider Media
Read the latest Wales business news tagged by Andrea Vaughan Owen.

New Ritter Park playground still two-plus months away
For months, Huntington's crown jewel of a park has been missing some key pieces for kids and their parents.
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