Andy Moehring Person-Info 

( Ich bin Andy Moehring)


56 Nomad, Cannonball entry. - WIP: Model Cars - Model Cars...
Figured I go ahead and do a build thread on my entry this year. It's a 56 Nomad with NASCAR suspension and a Ross Gibson twin turbo small block. I'm gonna use...

Cameo build W.I.P. - WIP: Model Trucks: Pickups, Vans, SUVs,...
This is my first time doing a build thread so thank you for all the inspiration and advice on this site. Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I am...

Tustin Blue Vipers take Fall Ball Championship!
Manager Andy Moehring's Blue Vipers beat the Irvine Angels in their Semi-Final game Thank you to both Managers, all of the coaches ...
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