Andy Wiley Person-Info 

( Ich bin Andy Wiley)


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Pub regulars trade pints for plant pots - Manchester Evening News
PRESTWICH pub-goers have put down their pints to organise a clean-up operation.

From Street to Plaza: Building Public Space in NYC | Audubon
· ... “neighborhoods need to become more livable,” said Andy Wiley-Schwartz, New York City's assistant commissioner for public space, on a site ...

Reflections on 10 Years of the NYC Plaza Program > Street › news-post › project-page
· Photo: Andy Wiley-Schwartz, NYC DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg, and numerous others commemorate the 10-year anniversary of the ...

Taking it to the Streets — AIA New York
Panelist Andy Wiley-Schwartz, assistant commissioner for planning and sustainability at the NYC Department of Transportation (DOT), who ...
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