Angel R. Cordero und Cleveland Person-Info 

( Ich bin Angel R. Cordero)
(1 - 7 von 9
) Charles Ramsey Held von Cleveland wird zur Internet-Sensation - DER...

Er hörte die Hilferufe einer Nachbarin - und half dann, drei jahrelang vermisste Frauen aus den Fängen ihres mutmaßlichen Entführers zu retten: Der...

Neighbor Angel Cordero played a key role in Cleveland women's escape...
The people freed after years inside a Cleveland house may have remained there had it not been for Angel Cordero.

Cleveland Kidnap Rescuer Angel Cordero Was First On The Scene, He...
Neighbor Charles Ramsey received much attention, but Angel Cordero (left) said he actually set the women free.

Who Got to Amanda Berry First? Neighbors Dispute Rescue Details - ABC...
Charles Ramsey, the neighbor who helped free three women from a Cleveland house after a decade of captivity, said another neighbor got to Amanda Berry first...