Angela Karp und Rothamsted Research Person-Info 

( Ich bin Angela Karp)
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UK directs 27 mln pounds to biofuels research push | Reuters
“At the moment we make biofuels from food crops,” said Angela Karp a scientist at Rothamsted Research, one of the six research centres. “This diverts crops from the food chain and it takes intensive energy to grow the crops.” The researchers are first focusing on willow and straw, looking for ways to boost ...

Guardian: Genetically modified food a step closer in England as laws › environment › sep › geneti...

· Angela Karp, the director and chief executive of Rothamsted Research, which had a field trial for gene-edited wheat approved before the ...

Angela Karp announced as new Director and CEO of Rothamsted...
Rothamsted Research have appointed Professor Angela Karp as the Institute’s new Director and CEO. Professor Karp had been acting as interim director since December last year, in addition to her role as director for Science Innovation, Engagement and Partnerships.

Professor Angela Karp to lead Rothamsted Research | The Scottish...
PROFESSOR ANGELA Karp has been appointed as the new director and CEO of Rothamsted Research, making her the first female director since it was…