Anja Dworak Person-Info 

( Ich bin Anja Dworak)


The one-year-old Emma is excited about a children's book next to the...
Download and buy this stock image: The one-year-old Emma is excited about a children's book next to the German Minister of Family

The one-year-old Emma is excited about the bubbles of the German...
Download and buy this stock image: The one-year-old Emma is excited about the bubbles of the German Minister of Family Affairs Katarina

Für Familien: 51 Millionen Euro für Ausbau Früher › politik_gesellschaft › article › familien-51-milli...
August hat Anja Dworak ihr achtes Kind, Sohn Paul Silvio Kurt Werner, in der Uniklinik zur Welt gebracht. Dessen Schwester Anna Lieselotte ...
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Person "Dworak" (1)
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