Ann Catrin Jung Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ann Catrin Jung)


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CCRESA Office of Innovative Projects | CCRESA Office of Innovative...
Details: Dr. Lee Ann Jung will provide each participant with thought provoking evidence and examples which support these best practices.

News: Annual Tri-Association Conference: An Unforgettable Experience...
Tri-Association's 34th Annual Educators' Conference in Bogotá, Colombia, October 5-9th, was an unforgettable experience.

15th Hamburg Offshore Wind Conference / Hamburg (Germany) | Sun &...
Your hosts, Renewable Energy Hamburg and DNV GL, are organizing the 15th Hamburg Offshore Wind conference including an agenda reflecting the key topics,...

Energiewende: „Ohne finanzielle Förderung geht es noch nicht“ - WELT
Wie kommt mehr Marktwirtschaft in die deutsche Energiewende? Welche Mechanismen greifen müssen, erklären Catrin Jung-Draschil von Vattenfall und Ingrid...
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