Ann-Kristin Knapp und Media Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ann-Kristin Knapp)
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IJRM Best Paper Award for members of research group - Universität...
Jun 04, · Nele Hansen, Ann-Kristin Knapp and Thorsten Hennig-Thurau won the "IJRM Best Paper Award" at the end of this year's EMAC in Hamburg. Their article "Brand crises in the digital age: The short- and long-term effects of social media firestorms on consumers and brands" prevailed over all other publications in the International Journal of Research ...

DFG Research Group: How social media is changing marketingUniversität Hamburg
Nele Hansen, Ann-Kristin Knapp and Thorsten Hennig-Thurau won the "IJRM Best Paper Award" at May 2019|DFG-FG Pre-conference as part of EMAC in ...