Anne-Marie Duguid Person-Info 

( Ich bin Anne-Marie Duguid)


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Effective Learner Behaviours Group with SSAT
Ground-breaking collaboration brings government aspiration for a ‘world class teaching profession’ one step closer with Effective Learner Behaviours Group.

Programme | Optimus Education
Overcoming disadvantage for struggling learners: effective use of targeted pupil funding to enhance learning

CUREE Enews - Christmas | Centre for the Use of Research &...
You can see here the presentation for the interactive session I ran with Anne Marie Duguid on Content knowledge and pedagogy - what comes first? This contains a tool I developed that people found useful for exploring the balance of priorities in their schools; there people told me they were talking it back to use with ...

UK teachers hail Microsoft's technology training programme as a...
Educators across the UK have hailed the decision to include Microsoft's digital skills programme in teacher training courses.
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Vorname "Anne-Marie" (1752)
Name "Duguid" (65)
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