Annette Noble Person-Info 

( Ich bin Annette Noble)


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America’s favourite dog breed is still the Labrador retriever |...
America's fondness for Labrador retrievers is still setting records, but bulldogs are breaking new ground.

Labradors are America’s top dog — for now
“They just have such character,” says Bulldog Club of America communications chairwoman Annette Noble. The breed is known for being ...

Bulldogs o labradores: Los perros favoritos en EE.UU. son... | MUNDO...
De acuerdo al American Kennel Club, los pastores alemanes, golden retrievers y beagles también están entre los cinco primeros

Top Clydesdale horses on show - Daily Record
THE 8th Annual Scottish Clydesdale Classic Horse Show took place last Saturday at Lawrie & Symington's Lanark Agricultural Centre .
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