Annika Dean Person-Info 

( Ich bin Annika Dean)


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'Guardian angel' shielded airport attack witness - CNN
Annika Dean was hiding from the Fort Lauderdale airport shooter when a man she didn't know protected her.

Taz: Australischer Hafen besetzt: Aktivisten heizen Kohleindustrie ein -...

Bis zu 36 Festnahmen: Klimaaktivisten haben am Sonntag den größten Kohleexporthafen der Welt im australischen Newcastle gestürmt und Teile davon lahmgelegt.

Lauderdale Airport shooting survivor: 'I didn’t know if I would die'
Surviving the attack by a nearby gunman was an answered prayer, said Annika Dean, who thought about her sons. 

Man risked life to protect a mom during Florida airport shooting
... acted as a human shield during the attack, throwing himself on top of Annika Dean, a stranger, as bullets flew and the gunman walked toward ...
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