Antonio Krüger und Ceo Person-Info 

( Ich bin Antonio Krüger)
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DFKI News 49 e
The next speaker was Prof. Professor Antonio Krüger, CEO and Scientific Director at DFKI, who said, “The visit of the Chancellor is a clear sign that the government continues to assign a high priority to the further development of Ger- many as a center of AI research – even as several global crises have recently overshadowed the topic. ...

Bitkom's Big-Data.AI Summit is back in town!Big-Data.AI Summit
Antonio Krüger (Professor of Computer Science, Saarland University / CEO, German Research Center for AI & Head, Department “Cognitive Assistants”) and Julia ...

Digitalisierung & KI - Tagesspiegel Background
Nov 28, · Prof. Dr. Antonio Krüger CEO, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) „Tagesspiegel Background Digitalisierung & KI ist ein richtiger Deep Dive in Digital- und Datenpolitik… also all diese Nerd-Themen. Wenn du den mal ein halbes Jahr gelesen hast, dann bist du drin.“