Anwar Syed Ali Person-Info 

( Ich bin Anwar Syed Ali)


(1 - 4 von 52
) Pakistan: Dutzende Menschen sterben bei Anschlägen

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - Zwei Selbstmordanschläge haben in Pakistan mindestens 40 Menschenleben gefordert. Die Attentäter zündeten ihre Bomben auf dem Gelände einer heiligen Grabstätte. Dort hatten sich Hunderte Gläubige versammelt. 

'I am still the best': Anwar Ali | Business Recorder
Pakistan discarded cricketer Anwar Ali believes that he is the best pace bowling all rounder in the country. The all rounder has been out of the international

Anwar Ali | The Daily Star
The death of a fireman during the Rajshahi militant den raid was a result of the failure of law enforcers, a fire service probe has found.

Pakistanis to participate in Mosaic summit with Etihad
Pakistanis to participate in Mosaic summit with Etihad
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