Aref Lahham Person-Info 

( Ich bin Aref Lahham)


(1 - 4 von 22

London's golden real estate shows the path to recovery | London...
Even as the economy wobbles on the lip of a double-dip recession, we are getting a glimpse of how the recovery will one day come. A classic example is the news...

Orion se convierte en el único propietario de Puerto Venecia -...
El fondo de inversión compra por 144,5 millones el otro 50% de las acciones. El centro comercial y de ocio opera al completo desde hace un año

Guardian: Debt-laden Greece finds no buyers in 'fire sale' of national assets |...

Greece puts €50bn of national assets on sale in hotel ballroom but private equity firms are not interested, writes Rupert Neate

If you thought One Hyde Park was luxurious... | The Independent
When the the economic going gets tough, the super-rich buy property. And not just any old property.
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Name "Lahham" (23)
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