Arlene Delgado Person-Info 

( Ich bin Arlene Delgado)


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Thug who supplied gun used to kill teen gets 15 years to life
“I'm going to live with this pain forever, I'm sentenced to life,”said the slain teen's mom Arlene Delgado to defendant Timothy Montalvo in ...

A Father’s Fight to Stop the Cycle of Violence | The New Yorker
Jennifer Gonnerman on Taylonn Murphy, who became an activist in the Grant and Manhattanville Houses in Harlem, after his daughter Chicken was shot.

Hundreds march against violence and guns on L.E.S. | amNewYork
BY SAM SPOKONY  |  Just after hundreds of Lower East Side parents and children walked together in an emotional rally against gun and youth violence, the

Trump adviser Stephen Bannon won't face voter fraud prosecution in...
From to 2016, Bannon claimed three times on voter forms to live in Florida. At the time, Bannon maintained a California driver's license, owned property...
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