Arnold Klann und Bluefire Ethanol Person-Info 

( Ich bin Arnold Klann)
(1 - 16 von 22

BlueFire: cellulosic delay to be less than 6 months | Reuters
BlueFire Ethanol Inc's delay in beginning construction of a cellulosic ethanol plant in Lancaster, California, should last less than six months, the company's...

BlueFire Ethanol Closes $15.5 Million in Financing
... environmentally sound solutions for today's global issues,†said Arnold Klann , President and Chief Executive Officer of BlueFire Ethanol.

BLFIRE ETHANOL FLS : Solazyme Testing BlueFire Ethanol Cellulosic...
IRVINE, Calif., May 26 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- BlueFire Ethanol Fuels, Inc. , a company changing the world's transportation fuel paradigm through the...

BlueFire Ethanol to Present at Next Generation Biofuels Conference
... Arnold Klann, will address the top leaders at F.O. Licht's 2nd Annual Developing and Commercializing Next Generation Biofuels Conference, ...
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