Arnold Smeulders Person-Info 

( Ich bin Arnold Smeulders)


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Arnold Smeulders member of Royal Holland Society of Sciences and...
Arnold Smeulders (COMMIT/, UvA and CWI) has been invited to become a member of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences.

"About Time" - Seminar by Arnold Smeulders | European Lab for...
· Bio: Arnold Smeulders is professor of artificial intelligence at the University of Amsterdam and currently envoy for ELLIS to the EU.

Arnold Smeulders awarded Honorary Medallion from the UvA - Amsterdam...
· The Laureates are: Arnold Smeulders, Wil van Zijl-Barbe, Tom Verhoek, Arne Brentjes, Willem Bouten and Marcel Levi. 'The laureates are six ...

Arnold Smeulders will join the Academia Europaea — CWI Amsterdam
· Arnold Smeulders (COMMIT/, UvA and CWI) recently received an invitation to join the prestigious Academia Europaea.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Arnold Smeulders
Vorname "Arnold" (7874)
Name "Smeulders" (9)
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