Art Junk Person-Info 

( Ich bin Art Junk)


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Art: Junk art | The Independent
In the strip-lit bunker of the Entwistle Gallery's project space in Cork Street, London, lies the debris of Tomoko Takahashi's life. A sea of stuff - concert...

Art Junk Journal Class-NEW! Saturday Nov. 25th - Heartwork City...
Well come to Heartwork City Studios on Saturday (the Saturday after Thanksgiving) and create your own Art Junk Journal! This class only ...

Schmutziger Heimatfilm: Genuss mit Ironie – Fatih Akins "Soul...
Auf zu neuen Ufern: Nach harten Typen und viel Wut im Bauch hat Regisseur Fatih Akin beim Filmfest in Venedig einen komischen Film im Gepäck. Mit

Explore Art: Junk Art | Anythink Libraries
Use non-traditional materials to create a piece of junk art. At the end of this program, we'll have a junk art parade to show off your creations. All ages...
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