Arthur Holt Person-Info 

( Ich bin Arthur Holt)


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Corn Popper - History's Best Toys: All-TIME 100 Greatest Toys - TIME
If you learned to walk in the past 50 years, you've probably done so at some point while pushing this noisemaker on a stick. In 1957, inventor Arthur Holt sold...

OBITUARY: Larry Holt-Kentwell. He lived all over the world | Oxford...
CAPTAIN Lawrence Edwin Arthur Holt-Kentwell MBE, a veteran of the North African and Italian campaigns in the Second World War, has died aged 97…

Father Geoffrey Holt
Father Geoffrey Holt, who died on September 30 aged 97, was an English Jesuit for a record 80 years and a notable historian of the Society of Jesus's province...

Arthur Holt – Life Stories Prototype - Red Box Engineering
Learn how Red Box Engineering created the Life Stories prototype for Arthur Holt, which has gone to sale straight away to help people living with dementia.
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