Arthur Muradyan und Armen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Arthur Muradyan)
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Ar…a’s representatives to participate in international model and...
The goal of the festivals is to disclose new talents in fashion business...

5 candidates nominated for Proshyan mayoral elections - Panorama |...
administration Ga… Mkrtchyan, self-nominated candidate, member of Republican Party of Ar…a Arthur Muradyan and ARFD-backed candidate Vova Sahakyan. Following the … of Proshyan mayor Hrach Muradyan on April 2, ...

Active landslides in Ar…a - Spe…t explains causes, pointing...
“Studies are being conducted from concrete mines, with the impact …sment focusing only on the accelerating factors. Mine explosions ...

Haykakan Zhamanak: Proshyan village head has not yet signed...
Head of Proshyan village, Republican Party of Ar…a (RPA) member Arthur Muradyan has not yet signed the applications for resignation ...