Arun Daniel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Arun Daniel)


(1 - 4 von 12

New refugees learn to curl and slide at ‘welcome to Canada’ event |...
45 newly-resettled refugees in Toronto learned how to curl on Wednesday as a way to integrate into their new home, after leaving wars or other hardships in...

Arun Daniel Photos | Images of Arun Daniel - Times of India
Check out for the latest photos of Arun Daniel along with Arun Daniel gallery, recent images of Arun Daniel at Times of India

Refugees get a crash course in curling at Toronto club | The Star
Eleven-year-old Arun Daniel said he was hoping to play all day.

Canadian refugees learn to curl, and how to handle icy wipeouts |...
Arun Daniel and his mom, Suguna, first touched Canadian soil two weeks ago and, on Wednesday, they first touched ice, sliding on one knee and pushing a...
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