Ashraf Salman Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ashraf Salman)


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) - Transcripts
Egypt's minister of investment, Ashraf Salman, joins me from CNN in Washington. Minister, good to see you, sir. Thank you for talking to us this ...

Internationale Wirtschaftskonferenz: Egypt Economic Development...
Ägyptische Regierung initiiert ehrgeiziges Investitionsprogramm und erläutert Wachstums- und Reformpläne im Rahmen der Konferenz - Ägypten verzeichnet ein

Egyptians Turn to Real Estate, Push Prices Up 50 Percent | Al Bawaba
More and more Egyptians are choosing to buy property as a safe haven against the unstable Egyptian pound.

Egypt's Investment Minister Ashraf Salman speaks Yahoo!
Egypt's Investment Minister Ashraf Salman speaks during a news conference in Cairo March 5, REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany ...
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