Barbara Meta Heil Person-Info 

( Ich bin Barbara Meta Heil)


(1 - 4 von 14

Memorial services set Feb. 18 for Gerald and Barbara Heil -...
A memorial service will be held at 10 a.m. Feb. 18 for Gerald and Barbara Heil, the White Bear Lake couple lost when the cruise ship they were on struck a reef...

Cruise Ship Wreck: Two More Bodies Found - ABC News
Two more bodies have been recovered from a half-submerged cruise ship on the same day the children of a Minnesota couple prayed divers would find their...

Barbara Heil - Todesanzeigen - Mannheimer Morgen - Trauerportal...
Erlöst! Die Erinnerung ist der einzige Ort, aus dem wir nicht vertrieben werden können. Jean Paul Barbara Heil geb. Wagner * In ...

Costa Concordia: Missing Americans Gerald and Barbara Heil were on...
29 people are unaccounted for in total after the Italian cruise liner Costa Concordia hit rocks and sank on Friday night off the Italian coast.
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