Barbara Samirah Santos Person-Info 

( Ich bin Barbara Samirah Santos)


(1 - 4 von 10

School district works swiftly to fill board vacancy
[Milpitas Post] when former trustee Althea Polanski was elected to Milpitas City Council at which point Barbara Santos was appointed to fill the vacancy.

Trustee Mendizabal resigns
[Milpitas Post] when Althea Polanski was appointed to Milpitas City Council in at which point Barbara Santos was appointed to fill the vacancy.

Google News: San Francisco Writers Conference 'Freedom to Read' Scholarship

[ (press release)] - "We were troubled that a significant book would be withheld from students," said SFWC Marketing Director Barbara Santos. "We also felt we had a vested

globo: Barbara Santos nocauteia Maria Derê e leva título sergipano de kick...

Barbara Santos (à esquerda) levou o cinturão de Campeã Sergipana (Foto: Divulgação) Uma verdadeira maratona de artes marciais. Assim foi ...
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