Barbara Teicher Person-Info 

( Ich bin Barbara Teicher)


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ISM-Kansas City, Inc.
February Lunch Meeting. Barbara Teicher and Kriss Pearson. February Lunch Meeting. Joe Steve, CPSM presents Esmeralda Phillips, CPSM with her CPSM.

In workplace relationships, it's not what you say but how you say it
Barbara Teicher, a Kansas City area consultant, counsels clients to videotape themselves to check for eye contact, posture, absence of ...

It’s not what but how you say it | The Kansas City Star
Eye contact, posture, tone of voice and choice of words all determine whether the message you intended to convey was actually heard by your target listeners.

It’s not what but how you say it that counts | The Star
Consultant Barbara Teicher tells her clients to videotape themselves to check for eye contact, posture, absence of fidgeting and tone. She says ...
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