Bashar Al-Assad und Interview Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bashar Al-Assad)
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) Clinton lehnt US-Einsatz ab

[] - "Nein", antwortete Außenministerin Hillary Clinton in einem Interview des Senders CBS am Sonntag auf die Frage, ob die USA angesichts des massiven Vorgehens der Sicherheitskräfte von Präsident Bashar al-Assad gegen Demonstranten intervenieren würden.

Arab regimes and the question of timing
[Asharq Alawsat] - In his famous interview with the Wall Street Journal – which occurred during the Egyptian revolution – Syrian President Bashar al-Assad commented on the relationship between the ruler and the ruled, stressing that Syria is not Egypt. SPIEGEL Interview with Syrian President Bashar Assad - DER SPIEGEL

In a SPIEGEL interview, Syrian President Bashar Assad discusses his fight for power, his arsenal of weapons of mass destruction and the special expectations he... SPIEGEL Interview with Syrian President Bashar Assad: 'Peace without...

In an interview with SPIEGEL, Syrian President Bashar Assad discusses the war between Israelis and Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, the threat of an Iranian...