Bashar Al-Assad und September Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bashar Al-Assad)
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Syria says jailed blogger worked for CIA
[Turkish Press] - Mallouhi, granddaughter of a former minister under the late Hafez al-Assad, father of President Bashar al-Assad, was "held incommunicado without charge for nine months," US-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in September. Security services seized her

Bashar al-Assad Fast Facts - CNN
Bashar al-Assad Fast Facts · Birth date: September 11, · Birth place: Damascus, Syria · Father: Hafez Assad, late Syrian President · Mother: ...

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad: Facing down rebellion - BBC News
An unplanned president. Born on 11 September 1965, Bashar al-Assad was not always destined for the highest office. As ...

Stories for September The Connection Newspapers
They join Shnoz and Cody, sisters from the hills of Northern Alabama who joined the agency in at 19 months old President Obama has sought Congressional approval to carry out limited surgical strikes in Syria against the regime of Bashar al Assad in response to his use of chemical weapons to ...