Bassam Job Kamal Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bassam Job Kamal)


(1 - 4 von 5
) Ägypten: in alle Richtungen abhängig | Telepolis

Das Land hängt wirtschaftlich an der katarischen Beatmungsmaschine und hofft auf den IWF

Protesters to press demands amid polls | Mena – Gulf News
Voting and keeping up pressure to transfer power to civilians are different issues to be pursued at same time, some say

Unidentified drone hits position at Syria-Iraq borderEuronews
— (Reporting by Laila Bassam in Beirut and Kamal Ayash in Iraq, Writing by Tom Perry, Editing by William Maclean and Giles Elgood). › unid...

Med Voices Exhibition - Bibliotheca Alexandrina
... of Alexandria, concentrating on the old cosmopolitan areas of the city. Contact Person: Bassam Kamal  ...
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Laura Gehring
Vorname "Job" (1480)
Name "Kamal" (469)
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