Benedict Marks Person-Info 

( Ich bin Benedict Marks)


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Benedict marks third anniversary – The Denver Post
Saturday as he marked the third anniversary of his election as ...

Aktuelles | Freiwillige Feuerwehr Stadt Lippstadt
... Marco Schmidt (beide FF Erwitte), Manuel Auster, Benedict Marks (beide FF Geseke), Dennis Heger (FF Lippetal), Björn Landgräber, Jörg Krautkrämer, ...

Pope-emeritus Benedict marks his 88th birthday -
Catholic World News - April 16, Pope Francis offered his daily Mass for the intentions of his predecessor Benedict XVI on April 16, as the retired Pontiff...

Pope Benedict marks fourth anniversary of election | CTV News
Pope Benedict has thanked Catholics for lots of good wishes for his birthday and the fourth anniversary of his election to the papacy.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Benedict Marks
Person "Marks" (10)
Vorname "Benedict" (1653)
Name "Marks" (1514)
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