Benita Zabel und European Bioplastics Person-Info 

( Ich bin Benita Zabel)
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EU-Kommission will kompostierbare KaffeekapselnK-Zeitung
— Foto: obs/European Bioplastics/Benita Zabel Hasso von Pogrell, Geschäftsführer von European Bioplastics (EUBP): „„Wir bedauern, dass nur ...

Biokunststoffe erfüllen erfolgreich alle...
— Biokunststoffe erfüllen erfolgreich alle EU-Sicherheitsstandards (FOTO). Alle Bild. Fotograf: Benita Zabel, Fotocredit: European Bioplastics. › OTS_ _OTS0030 › bioku...

Bioplastics successfully comply with all EU safety standards -
— obs/European Bioplastics/Benita Zabel. Hasso von Pogrell, Managing Director of European Bioplastics e.V.. › news

Bioplastics successfully meet all EU safety standards - Renewable...
— European Bioplastics/Benita Zabel. Products made from bio-based plastics must undergo the same testing procedures as conventional plastic ... › news
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