Benoit Garbe und Millward Brown Person-Info 

( Ich bin Benoit Garbe)
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Daily Research News Online no Millward Brown Optimor Expands...
Benoit Garbe Best known for its global BrandZ studies, the Millward Brown Optimor business also offers brand and marketing consulting, brand ...

How Well-Defined Is Your Brand's Ideal? | Ad Age
Jim Stengel has teamed with WPP's Millward Brown Optimor to bring analytical rigor to purpose-driven marketing, ranking brand ideals on the

Millward Brown, along with Jim Stengel, reveals the
Based on 10 years of empirical research involving 50,000 brands, Millward Brown and Jim Stengel developed the list of the world’s 50 fastest growing brands...
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Person "Garbe" (6)
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