Bernhars Reinhard Ahlers Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bernhars Reinhard Ahlers)


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July // Cruiseshipportal
“Our challenge was to produce enormous amounts of gas from small cartridges which is quickly released into inflatables,” describes project partner Reinhard Ahlers, managing director of Balance, a maritime consultancy in Bremen, Germany. The technologies used by the project are not new, but the combination is. Kevlar reinforced balloons can ...

Airbags para navios
Ou, pelo menos, podem dar tempo para que os passageiros desembarquem ou a carga seja retirada.

Airbags for ships save lives, environment and cargo
Innovative rapidly inflating balloon technology could keep damaged ships afloat. But more fine-tuning needs to be done and there are some concerns about...

Unfall: Aus Gondel in die Tiefe gestürzt
Dramatische Szenen spielten sich am Sonnabend bei einem Arbeitsunfall in Vechta ab. Ein Rettungshubschrauber flog das Opfer in eine Bremer Spezialklinik.
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